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Protecting Your Assets
Great information from Council on Aging, Marin County Public Administrator and Seniors At Home, a division of Jewish Family and Children’s Services. You’ve worked hard for what you own. Whether it is your [...]
Changing the Conversation About Death
Changing the Conversation About Death In a culture often caught up in living for the moment and accumulating possessions, Tess Lorraine is doing what she can to get people talking about dying. “Dying [...]
Good Vibrations: Sound Therapy uses music and vibrations to heal the body
Do you know that feeling you get when a favorite song comes on the radio? Within just a moment or two, you are transported to a different time and place – and you [...]
CrossFit + Older Adults = Good Stuff Baby!
If you are looking for a way to maintain or increase your level of strength and fitness, you should consider CrossFit. CrossFit is a trademarked fitness program that combines a variety of movements [...]
Fighting Parkinson’s Disease: Rock Steady Boxing delivers a knock out punch!
When Don Streeper, 71, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease two years ago, he was surprised. After all, he wasn’t shaking (which is a prominent symptom), and he thought there was just something wrong [...]